
Thursday, July 27, 2006

Coach A.J.’s Quick-Start 5 Minute Exercise Program®


Coach AJ’s® Evidence-Based Health Recommendations “ Prevent Health Problems Before They Start

Coach A.J.’s Quick-Start 5 Minute Exercise Program®

Simple, Powerful ** InTraining ** with Health Coach AJ®

(Adults need to get their doctor's permission to exercise. Kids should get their Mom or Dad’s permission.)

Resistance and Aerobic “Interval” Training

Get pumped: "It wasn't until I put on more muscle through resistance training that
I was able to keep the weight off -- almost effortlessly," says an exerciser who went
from a size XL adult to a medium. The reason? Muscle burns bodyfat and more
calories *around the clock,* and normalizes blood sugar and hormone levels.
Building muscle requires dietary protein and some special fats called essential
fatty acids.

My Quick-Start program is easy, fun, and gets amazing results. Start on your exercise bike, trampoline, other home equipment, at a gym, up and down stairs, or running on the street in front of your house. One workout takes five minutes a day. You can also exercise more; for example, 2 or 3 five-minute workouts a day are even better than one, but one is enough to start.

Best to do this first thing in the morning. You can exercise when you get home from work or school, in addition to morning, or instead of, but at least one time per day. Try to exercise six days a week. I exercise on a stationary bike and use a watch with a second hand to time heartbeats/minute (pulse.)

To start exercising:

Plan A

1) Warm up doing your chosen exercise for two minutes, not at your fastest rate.

2) To stretch calf muscles point toes, hold, point heels, hold. Bend forward to stretch backs of thighs, hold, pull ankles up behind you one at a time to stretch fronts of thighs. Twist left at waist, hold; twist right at waist, hold.

3) Exercise hard for one minute, raising heart rate to over 120 beats per minute.

4) Two-minute cool down: keep moving (more slowly) to allow heart rate (pulse) to drop below 100.

5) Stretch using after-workout stretches, or contact Kathy at StressLess KMillspaw@comcast.net for more stretches.

Plan B

1) Warm up doing your chosen exercise for two minutes, not at your fastest rate.

2) To stretch calf muscles point toes, hold, point heels, hold. Bend forward to stretch backs of thighs, hold, pull ankles up behind you one at a time to stretch fronts of thighs. Twist left at waist, hold; twist right at waist, hold.

3) Exercise hard for 30 seconds, raising heart rate to over 120 beats per minute.

4) Continue at a slower pace, for about 45 seconds, increasing intensity for 15 seconds, to maintain pulse over 120.

5) As above, continue at a slower pace, for about 45 seconds, then increase intensity for 15 seconds.

6) One or two-minute cool down: keep moving (more slowly) to allow heart rate (pulse) to drop below 100.

7) Stretch using after-workout stretches, or contact Kathy at StressLess KMillspaw@comcast.net for more stretches.

Go on about your day, knowing you are burning body fat and the calories from your food at a higher rate. You will feel more energetic, less apt to be moody, and less hungry. You can see the advantage of doing this in the morning before you start your day, and also when you get home from school or work in the afternoon.


You can get more exercise going for walks, bicycling, swimming or horseback riding with friends. Learn to use the machines at your local gym. Housework and yard work count as exercise. Be creative; come up with new ways to exercise. But at least do one 5 minutes exercise “interval” every day. Exercising makes you feel so good you’ll want to do more.

©AJsBodBlog 2002 All Rights Reserved Do not copy distribute electronically store or reproduce HealthCoachAJ@gmail.com for permissions

**************************************************** With the most expensive medical care in the world, Americans are becoming disabled and dying every day from lack of good, useful, up-to-date information about nutrition. We need to know today what we should be eating to stay healthy, and how to regain our health when possible with fewer drugs and less surgery. I care and want to help. -- A.J.


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